Today, Calian has a new website that satisfies their unique UX needs having such diverse audiences, tracking analytics properly installed with Google Tag Manager and Hubspot, as well as Hubspot fully implemented as the company wide CRM and marketing automation tool.


The Challenge

Calian is a large B2B/B2G professional services company, publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange. When I started with Calian in early 2019, they had a Drupal 7 website that had been somewhat neglected and had technical issues, and the design and content were overall unimpressive, and not representative of a strong brand with an umbrella of highly specialized solutions. They were also lacking a social media strategy, appropriate analytics tracking, marketing automation and a modern CRM solution.

The Process

I was hired as a Digital Strategist for the corporate head office. Initially, I took inventory and explored the environment, tools and analytics available to them and prepared a report showcasing the current situation, and a proposal for what should be changed and implemented.

My first major recommendation was that they invest in a new website. One that would support their growth strategy and could serve as a solid scalable foundation for their four division structure. I was responsible for hiring an agency, and managing the project, helping to guide approvals for strategy, design, wireframes, content and integrations.

Additionally, the company was looking into getting a new CRM tool, and I suggested that they consider one with a professional marketing toolkit and automation features. I worked with the Director of Information Systems, Director of IT, Manager of Applications and Chief Information Officer to demo, evaluate and choose between Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce and Hubspot. Hubspot was selected and I was on the implementation team, mostly responsible for building marketing campaigns, email marketing, MQL scoring, automation and reporting dashboards.

Furthermore, I helped guide a brand refresh, content and social media strategy, and managed their Google and LinkedIn paid media campaigns.

The Solution

Today, Calian has a new website that satisfies their unique UX needs having such diverse audiences, tracking analytics properly installed with Google Tag Manager and Hubspot, as well as Hubspot fully implemented as the company wide CRM and marketing automation tool.

Skills Used

Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Branding,Web Development,Email Marketing,Marketing Strategy,SEO,Social Media Management,Web Development,Web Development,Other,Other


Professional Services

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