In the bustling world of remote work and corporate travel, Anyplace, a provider of flexible-term furnished apartment rentals, seeks to stand out. Their mission is clear: provide quality accommodations equipped with reliable, gigabit-speed internet for remote workers, corporate travelers, and creatives. Email marketing plays a crucial role in building trust and credibility with their audience, helping them convert subscribers into loyal customers.

The Challenge

The Process

The Solution

In the bustling world of remote work and corporate travel, Anyplace, a provider of flexible-term furnished apartment rentals, seeks to stand out. Their mission is clear: provide quality accommodations equipped with reliable, gigabit-speed internet for remote workers, corporate travelers, and creatives. Email marketing plays a crucial role in building trust and credibility with their audience, helping them convert subscribers into loyal customers.

Elevating Email Marketing for Anyplace: A Mayple Success Story

Short Story About Anyplace

Anyplace, with its commitment to accommodating the needs of modern travelers and remote workers, faced unique challenges in the realm of email marketing. Despite their dedication, bandwidth constraints and audience management hurdles posed significant obstacles to effectively reaching their audience.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • Increase email subscribers per month.
  • Increase booking conversions from emails.


Anyplace faced two significant challenges in their email marketing efforts: a lack of bandwidth to set up personalized customer journeys effectively and audience management, which required improved organization through tags, groups, and segments. From Joe's perspective, "The biggest challenge is bandwidth – not having enough time to properly set up personalized customer journeys. The second is audience management – utilizing tags, groups, and segments to better organize our list and send relevant emails."

Mayple's Impact

Mayple's assistance proved invaluable in overcoming these challenges. They recommended implementing a signup popup with a location preference question, allowing Anyplace to segment subscribers from the start of their journey. This single action improved list organization and segmentation.

Expert's Challenges

Audience Management: 

To maintain a clean email list: the Mayple expert suggested to merge overlapping tags, centralizing data, and archiving inactive contacts.

Automations & Customer Journeys: 

The goal was to maximize the potential of the customer journeys and to deliver a personalized customer experience effectively.

Email Best Practices: 

Goal was to build an email strategy that consistently engages the audience, along with tips for optimization.

Opportunities & Recommended Next Steps

  • Optimized Audience Setup: The Mayple expert created a master audience, effectively utilizing tags, segments, and groups. Additionally, archiving inactive contacts was advised to maintain a cleaner list.
  • Elevated the Personalized Customer Experience: To enhance the customer journey, the expert set up welcome customer journeys, tracked behaviors through tags, and conducted A/B tests for optimization.
  • Boosted Subscriber Engagement: To keep the community engaged, the expert recommended testing self-segmenting checkboxes in pop-ups and diversifying email campaigns with a mix of content-focused educational and promotional content.


The collaboration between Anyplace and Mayple has ignited a transformation in Anyplace's email marketing strategy. By addressing their challenges and embracing best practices, Anyplace has enhanced its ability to engage with subscribers and drive conversions. With a clear roadmap in place and thoughtful recommendations from Mayple, Anyplace is poised for continued success in their email marketing efforts. This case study showcases the power of expert guidance in achieving tangible results in the world of email marketing.

Skills Used

Email Marketing


Style & Fashion

Results by the numbers

Hours auditing the account
Potential Improvement the expert Found in he account?

“It was a great experience. I honestly thought it would be an assessment with a lot of "fluff" recommendations – i.e., "send more emails" or "use this popular feature". It was much more in-depth and the recommendations put forth were thoughtful and tailored to our business.”

Joe Frabotta

Director of Marketing at Anyplace

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