In this enlightening case study, we embark on a journey with Crafting Jeannie, a dynamic provider of printable products tailored to early education. Crafting Jeannie sought to revolutionize their email marketing strategy through a strategic partnership with Mayple, a pioneering marketing management platform. By leveraging Mayple's expertise, Crafting Jeannie tackled critical challenges, rejuvenated their email marketing practices, and achieved impressive results. This case study highlights substantial improvements in KPIs, particularly in open rates and click rates.

The Challenge

The Process

The Solution

In this enlightening case study, we embark on a journey with Crafting Jeannie, a dynamic provider of printable products tailored to early education. Crafting Jeannie sought to revolutionize their email marketing strategy through a strategic partnership with Mayple, a pioneering marketing management platform. By leveraging Mayple's expertise, Crafting Jeannie tackled critical challenges, rejuvenated their email marketing practices, and achieved impressive results. This case study highlights substantial improvements in KPIs, particularly in open rates and click rates.

Transforming Email Marketing with Crafting Jeannie

Company Overview:

Crafting Jeannie is a dedicated provider of printable products tailored for early education. Their product offerings cater to a diverse audience, including educators, parents, and grandparents, all united by a common goal: to enrich the learning and creative experiences of young children. Crafting Jeannie has established itself as a trusted resource within the early education community, committed to delivering high-quality, educational materials.

Challenges Faced in Email Marketing

  • Integrating the online store with email marketing efforts.
  • Tracking purchases and effectively utilizing data for analysis.
  • Heavy reliance on email marketing for sales (90% of total sales).

Partnering with Mayple: A Game-Changing Decision

Recognizing the need for transformation, Crafting Jeannie joined forces with Mayple and they embarked on a journey to overhaul their email marketing strategy.

Mayple assigned a seasoned CRM, Engagement, and CX expert to undertake a meticulous analysis of Crafting Jeannie's email marketing landscape. Key challenges, including the need for optimized creative, content strategy, and planning, were identified. A comprehensive plan was crafted to address these obstacles.

The Expert's Overview: Quinten Robert’s Work

Mayple's expert provided valuable insights and recommendations to address Crafting Jeannie's challenges:

Automations & Journeys:

  • What's Done: Crafting Jeannie had some automation processes in place, but the expert believed there was room for improvement.
  • How to Use It Now: Implement customer journeys to personalize experiences, increase engagement, and tailor content to specific needs, delivering maximum impact.

Email Best Practices:

  • What's Done: Crafting Jeannie received guidance on campaign planning, email personalization, and A/B testing.
  • How to Use It Now: Plan campaigns months in advance, utilize merge tags for personalization, and standardize A/B testing processes for efficient result measurement.

Final Results

Following the expert's recommendations and implementing best practices, Crafting Jeannie witnessed significant improvements:

  • Open Rate Surge: Open rates increased from an average of 31.4% to a robust 37%, reflecting enhanced email engagement.
  • Click Rate Advancement: Click rates improved from 2.21% to an impressive 3.37%, indicating increased interaction with Crafting Jeannie's email content.

Conclusion: A Triumph in Email Marketing Transformation

Through their collaboration with Mayple, Crafting Jeannie successfully transformed its email marketing strategy. By addressing challenges, implementing automation, and adhering to best practices, they achieved improved engagement, metrics, and overall marketing success. This case study underscores the power of expert guidance and tailored approaches in reshaping a business's marketing trajectory.

Are you ready to unlock your brand's email marketing potential? 

Partner with Mayple and embark on a journey towards enhanced engagement, improved metrics, and sustained growth. Contact us today to discover the tailored strategies that will redefine your marketing trajectory.

Skills Used

Email Marketing


Style & Fashion

Results by the numbers

Open Rate Increased
CTR Increased

"Elevating Early Education: Crafting Jeannie's Journey to Email Marketing Success with Mayple"

Regina Irwin

Owner and Founder

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