We reduced customer acquisition costs (CAC) by 20% by implementing these changes and built a loyal customer bases that came to buy from us again and again.


The Challenge

Patch is a UK-based ecommerce website that sells indoor and outdoor plants, plants pots and many plant care accessories.

The online plant market was growing quickly and competitors were sprouting up everywhere. We were spending a tidy sum on marketing but our conversion rate could have been better. I spotted an opportunity to target a significant segment of our customers who were new to indoor plants. The challenge was that plant newbies were afraid of killing their plants because they didn't know how to look after them.

The Process

We set up an exit survey to understand how big a portion 'plant newbies' made up our existing customer base. We then interviewed a few of them to understand their fears and what had almost not made them buy from us. This helped us establish what we needed to achieve in order to grow this customer segment.

Amongst the new initiatives we did the following:

  • We created a 'plant parenting course' from scratch which acted as a low-barrier entry point for us to nurture these newbies into buying their very first plant(s).
  • We built landing pages that targeted their fears and anxieties and gave them confidence to start their plant parenting journey by buying their first plants.
  • We added filters on the category pages to help visitors easily identify easy-to-look-after plants.

The Solution

We reduced customer acquisition costs (CAC) by 20% by implementing these changes and built a loyal customer bases that came to buy from us again and again.

Skills Used

Email Marketing,CRO,Copywriting,Content Marketing,Marketing Strategy,Paid Ads,Paid Ads


Home & Garden

Results by the numbers

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I worked with Econologics to help them acquire leads for their financial advisory firm to medical practice owners. They had a solid source of organic leads but their marketing team was lost in terms of how to leverage paid media to get new clients. After our initial consult, I formulated a two channel approach on Google and Linkedin to drive their segmented audiences to unique landing pages for webinar signups. After iterating multiple approaches over the course of several months, we were able to create a consistent stream of qualified registrations at a CPA that the team was excited about.



Fuller Brush

Fuller Brush had trouble getting a positive ROAS from their marketing efforts.

Marketing wasn't efficient due to tracking issues and the website kept crashing.


Wolford is an  Austrian textile manufacturer of tights, bodysuits and underwear, as well as women's clothing and accessories.

Main objective was to run a branding campaign to test audience segments and to reduce the bounce rate.

Linus Bike

This brand was transitioning from MailChimp to Klaviyo and had some custom properties on its site.

A few goals were to figure out how to set up automations for a store that has high-priced items between $700 - $1,200.

They had no prior email marketing experience and also their site didn't allow for a cart abandonment email flow.

American Printing House for the Blind

The American Printing House for the Blind faced challenges with Mailchimp set up using audiences instead of groups. The Marketing/Communications department sought Mayple's expertise.

Direct Textile Store

Discover how Direct Textile Store, a leading online wholesaler catering to the healthcare and hospitality industries, unlocked the full potential of their email marketing with the strategic partnership of Mayple. This case study unveils the challenges faced, the impactful collaboration with Mayple, and the transformation that ensued.

Spanish And Go

Ready to revolutionize your marketing approach? Partner with Mayple and embark on a transformative journey toward enhanced engagement, improved metrics, and sustained growth. Contact us today to explore tailored strategies that will redefine your marketing trajectory.


In the world of travel, YOLLO Group Services, Inc. stands as a leading travel agency, specializing in all-inclusive packages for events such as Essence Festival, Urban Fiesta, and NBA All-Star. These packages not only provide access to the hottest events but also offer excursions, party passes, drink specials, and an abundance of fun. As a Manager at YOLLO Group Services, the challenges of email marketing were a roadblock to unlocking their marketing potential. This case study delves into YOLLO Group Services' partnership with Mayple and the transformation that ensued.