Launched a successful blog, created and implemented email campaigns and brought up the social channels. Created a blog library for future use.

The Challenge

As a B2B agency they need a boost in blogs and social presence to aid in their marketing. Biggest challenge was fully understanding their integration technology and interpreting that into language and visuals the general population and potential leads could understand .

The Process

To create and disseminate all blogs, email campaigns and social posts. Follow upland respond to inquiries. General outreach for organic lead generation.

The Solution

Launched a successful blog, created and implemented email campaigns and brought up the social channels. Created a blog library for future use.

Skills Used

Branding,Content Marketing,Web Development,Email Marketing,Branding,Social Media Management,Other


Professional Services

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A unique startup in a new field.



Shark Australia

Shark Clean AU is the sister brand to Ninja Kitchen and they both faced similar challenges.

The brand was struggling to improve the ROAS of their online store above 300%, after getting a taste of 800 - 900% during the pandemic, when people being stuck at home all day every day was beneficial to a brand like theirs. The brand was already familiar to consumers who were used to seeing it at stores like Harvey Norman and Kmart, but now could no longer shop at those stores. Another challenge was not being able to offer discounts on their products deeper than the stockist retailer were offering.

The target ROAS was 500 - 600%. The channels they were using were Facebook/Instagram Ads and Google Ads. Facebook was an area of concern as they did not see consistent returns there, although the channel did very well during lockdowns.

Trilogene Seeds

  • Drive cart sales through the website as well as phone calls and form fill leads
  • Manage Google Shopping campaigns and avoid/prevent issues with any google disapprovals in the CBD space



Arizona Fresh Vending

Optimize ads by cost per acquisition and lead quality


Gradelink offers schools a comprehensive and user-friendly software solution, streamlining administrative tasks, improving enrollment processes, and supporting the mission of educational institutions. Despite their innovative software, Gradelink faced challenges in effectively communicating their offerings through email marketing.

Aviators Market

Aviators Market is a unique platform, allowing individuals to list anything related to the aviation industry for sale. As one of the founder partners, J. Loparo plays a pivotal role in the platform's success.


Mondiale, specifically TPI, is a dynamic publication house focusing on three magazines dedicated to the live events industry. As the Events Manager and Marketing professional, A. Clarke plays a crucial role in organizing social networks, managing content, implementing email marketing strategies, and running paid ads.

Feltman Brothers

In the realm of timeless baby clothing, Feltman Brothers, with a rich history spanning a century, faced challenges in navigating the nuances of modern marketing, particularly in email campaigns. This case study delves into how Feltman Brothers overcame their marketing hurdles through a transformative partnership with Mayple.