In just a few months, their email revenue has grown severalfold.

The Challenge

Prior to working with DIDO AGENCY, their profit margins were typically strong, but they weren't fully utilizing their network of previous buyers. OMI Jewelry discovered that in order to stay in touch with customers between transactions, it needed to improve its marketing efforts.

The Process

First, we scrubbed OMI Jewelry email list, removing any non-active email addresses to optimize list quality. Then, we created seven foundational campaigns to peak the interest of consumers and keep them interested long term. Once we added campaigns aligning with national holidays and seasons to increase purchase opportunities.

The Solution

In just a few months, their email revenue has grown severalfold.

Skills Used

Email Marketing,Marketing Strategy,Copywriting,Branding


Style & Fashion

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This customer was running lead generation campaigns that fed the leads into their custom-built CRM, to be contacted by call centre staff. The call centre reps would then convert the leads into sales over the phone, sometimes over several calls. That data would go into the CRM also, but not connected to the original lead. Leads came in via website forms as well as phone calls, so tracking inbound phone call leads was essential as well. They had a call tracking system built by a previous agency that they needed to migrate away from.

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