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More Case Study

The Penny Hoarder

Revamping their entire online brand identity and reaching an entirely new audience on social media.



Bullion Box Subscriptions

  • Mass Declines due to corona
  • Low Average Order Value
  • Conversion Rate was in the dumpster



Heroic Now

How to sign up new users for an annual plan




Fresh start, no major website sales, all sales through booth selling at festivals. Only organic posting on social media platforms.

Overall lack of knowledge and new to marketing/advertising, because of this, it was an overall teaching and education experience as well.


Gradelink offers schools a comprehensive and user-friendly software solution, streamlining administrative tasks, improving enrollment processes, and supporting the mission of educational institutions. Despite their innovative software, Gradelink faced challenges in effectively communicating their offerings through email marketing.

American Printing House for the Blind

The American Printing House for the Blind faced challenges with Mailchimp set up using audiences instead of groups. The Marketing/Communications department sought Mayple's expertise.

U.S. National Whitewater Center

Tucked away in the heart of North Carolina, the U.S. National Whitewater Center, a nonprofit organization, thrives on an unwavering commitment to fostering outdoor access for all. Their mission is as grand as it is noble: to build resilient communities through the promotion of healthy and active lifestyles, environmental stewardship, and the celebration of family and civic togetherness. The Whitewater Center understands that we all share a common genetic code compelling us to explore the great outdoors and share these experiences with others. Their approach is simple yet profound: make connecting with nature compelling and accessible, and extend an open invitation to all. This is the story of how Mayple helped revolutionize their approach to email marketing, turning it into a catalyst for more profound connections with their audience.

Top Rank Soccer Academy

Top Rank Soccer Academy, led by the dynamic Senior Coach and Marketing Director, caters to young soccer enthusiasts aged 3-17. Offering classes, private lessons, teams, and summer camps, the academy needed to optimize its email marketing approach.