Before Budai Media

  • Mailchimp account 
  • Audience not monetized properly
  • A few basic flows running, like abandoned cart

After Budai Media

  • Exchanged smoothly to a better email marketing tool: Klaviyo
  • $90,000 extra revenue generated in 90 days
  • 50% of total revenue coming from emails
  • 15+ new flows created
  • Effective and engaging email campaigns

The Challenge

This client is a UK-based skincare brand, targeting women aged 20-45 with skin concerns.

Before working together, the client had some email flows set up in Mailchimp and some campaigns sent. However, they hadn’t yet tapped into the real power of email marketing.

They already had a list of about 70-80,000 subscribers, but most of them had not been contacted in months, so it was necessary to “warm the list up” again. 

The client has been mainly relying on paid ads to generate revenue, and email marketing hasn’t been their primary focus. Working with Budai Media, email quickly evolved to become one of their best-performing channels. 

The Process

Case study link

How We Helped

1. Flows

The main goal that the client initially set was to secure 30% extra revenue coming from emails. 


Our team started out with the essential flows that, once set up, automatically run in the background and generate revenue effortlessly.


We created:


  • New Customer Flow
  • Returning Customer Flow
  • VIP Customer Flow
  • Popup Subscriber Flow
  • Browse Abandonment Flow
  • Abandoned Cart Flow
  • Win-Back Flow


We also set up popups to capture the incoming traffic, and the connected flow has been the most significant revenue-driving flow.


In addition to this, we collaborated with the client to build up an elaborate funnel for their trial product. Their business model included a free trial so that customers could give their product a try before buying a full-sized one. This Free Trial Flow was built to convert these buyers into full-sized product buyers.


These flows have ensured that the brand is in touch with the customers at every stage of the journey, from consideration to purchase all the way to post-purchase, maintaining a strong relationship from the start.


2. Campaigns

Alongside the flows, we started building up a campaign strategy, which became a mix of promotional emails, deals, and content covering topics like skincare, makeup, and beauty. The idea to provide something of value to subscribers was the main motivating factor.


These emails not only helped generate revenue; they helped to position them as a trustworthy, leading skincare brand.


As previously mentioned, the brand had a vast, untouched part of its list, which was never targeted before, so we started to focus on giving value and building trust with that particular segment. The goal was to get that list used to receiving emails from us by the time the holiday season comes around, so after all the nurturing, we could hit them with some offers and promotions.


3. Holiday Season

Leading up to Black Friday & Christmas, we developed the email strategy and started out by having an early bird Black Friday sale with an exclusive waitlist for people to sign up. That ensured that the truly engaged customers would receive the deals first. 


More than 1300 people signed up, and this strategy is definitely something worth trying out if you have a strong brand presence.


After that, we launched Black Friday a day early to those on our waitlist, which brought in more than $6000 in 24 hours. 


Apart from that, by the time Black Friday came around, the whole list had been warmed up, so we were able to share the promotional emails with 100,000+ contacts. 


4. Specialized Flows

The client has experimented with different customer acquisition strategies, which were supported by additional email flows created by Budai Media. 

They’ve been running a quiz on their website, which helped people determine their skin type as well as the skincare product that best suits them. Based on their response, we would send them our recommendation with a discount. In the consequent flows, we’d also introduce the brand, share more about its values, benefits, and ingredients, and remind them of their discount.


They also had some landing pages with engaging articles. With the help of our unique popup, we could capture readers’ email addresses by offering a special ebook for them to download, which provides a comprehensive guide on skincare.


With the various elements of this comprehensive email strategy mentioned above, we managed to generate 50% of their total revenue in just 90 days.

The Solution

Before Budai Media

  • Mailchimp account 
  • Audience not monetized properly
  • A few basic flows running, like abandoned cart

After Budai Media

  • Exchanged smoothly to a better email marketing tool: Klaviyo
  • $90,000 extra revenue generated in 90 days
  • 50% of total revenue coming from emails
  • 15+ new flows created
  • Effective and engaging email campaigns

Skills Used

Email Marketing



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