• Cost of Sale stayed within 5% on a weekly basis
  • Eventually scaled the business to 3X the sales it was doing before. We have since launched the same strategy in the US which has led to another significant increase in sales
  • Achieved #1 in the category in 3 out of 4 expansion markets

The Challenge

  • This Amazon brand was already successful in the UK, holding the Bestseller badge.
  • The business owner had decided to expand to 4 EU markets (Germany, France, Spain, Italy)
  • The challenge was to do this profitably, ensuring that all activity was steady, efficient and scalable

The Process

  • Keyword research to identify high, medium & low volume keywords for each market
  • Carried out competitor analysis to measure the size and opportunity of each market
  • Began by creating efficient, low-spend campaigns that targeted a range of low & medium search volume keywords at a low ACoS. As we saw success with these the activity was ramped up, with budget staying in line with sales. Efficiency was aided by the product's already-existing strong review moat, giving it some credibility in the new markets
  • Dominated the main competitor listings with Sponsored Products and Sponsored Display ads, with a better offer
  • Price was also a key lever here, we were able to run at low-profit for several weeks, gradually increasing price once we had ranked towards the top of the category

The Solution

  • Cost of Sale stayed within 5% on a weekly basis
  • Eventually scaled the business to 3X the sales it was doing before. We have since launched the same strategy in the US which has led to another significant increase in sales
  • Achieved #1 in the category in 3 out of 4 expansion markets
Skills Used

Paid Ads



Results by the numbers

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