The launch event was booked out and we had a vibrant crowd attending. Key influencers participated as models and presenters and lifted the event with our key target audience.

The brand saw its first sales and found success at retail.


The Challenge

BonBon was entering a new market where it was completely unknown and faced stiff competition from major leading brands. Despite the obstacles, the founders felt confident that they could succeed in this new market due to the high quality of their products and their unique styles and features.

The Process

To kick-off the project, we worked closely with the team abroad and locally to understand the ethos and essence of the brand to identify what would truly set it apart in this context. From there, we worked out a detailed marketing strategy to bring the brand to market.

This included:

  • Press features and mentions
  • A fun launch event with fashion show and styling demos
  • Ongoing vibrant organic social media presence
  • Strategic paid social media and paid search
  • Leveraging key Facebook Groups and Influencers to raise awareness of the brand
  • Email Marketing

By using a combination of these tactics, the brand got quick visibility with its core target audience.

The Solution

The launch event was booked out and we had a vibrant crowd attending. Key influencers participated as models and presenters and lifted the event with our key target audience.

The brand saw its first sales and found success at retail.

Skills Used

Marketing Strategy,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Social Media Management,Marketing Strategy,Email Marketing


Style & Fashion

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By Angels Salon

Improve the social media engagement with the Salon, generate more leads, and have a better storytelling of the feed.




HastyCart is an online grocery ordering service. They reached out to me for help with:

  • getting new customers
  • increasing their purchase rate

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Drive donation Revenue


Company Description

MassPay makes it simple to pay anyone, anywhere, any way they want. Servicing over 150 countries in 50+ currencies, MassPay tailors mass payouts to local preferences with the widest selection of payout methods available. 


One of MassPay's key value propositions is to help global companies enter emerging markets, particularly where payments can be tricky (e.g. Africa, South East Asia, Latin America). In many of these regions, payees do not have a bank account, or are underbanked.

We are looking to target executive level audiences (CEO, CFO, COO) who are ready to expand their company globally.

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