The Challenge

The Process

The Solution

Skills Used

Web Development,Marketing Strategy


Home & Garden

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Heel Free

The main challenge and barrier were to turn a powerful offline process into an almost entirely self-service one. After many studies, we have seen that the public is familiar with the old way of measuring and physically reaching the store. some say it's a breakthrough in the online medical e-com industry. 



Atmosphere TV

Atmosphere TV is the world's largest streaming TV provider created exclusively for in-retail business television. They had just gone through a new round of funding, and I helped them deploy a paid acquisition strategy and develop a foundation for reporting and analytics.




The company launched a new product and wanted to have marketing help because they had never ran paid ads before.

My Construction Payroll

In the competitive realm of construction payroll services, myconstructionpayroll (MC) found itself facing challenges in maximizing its marketing potential. Struggling with ineffective email marketing strategies and underutilized tools, the company sought a solution to elevate its engagement, metrics, and overall growth.

The Idea Village

In the dynamic world of startups and business scaling, effective marketing is paramount. The Idea Village, an organization dedicated to helping startup founders scale their businesses through a range of innovative programs, recognized the need to enhance their email marketing strategies. This case study delves into their journey of transformation with Mayple.

Select Software Reviews

:Unleash your marketing potential with Mayple and embark on a journey to amplify your business's reach and engagement. SSR, a leading authority in tech reviews for the HR, recruitment, and PeopleOps landscape, encountered unique challenges in their email marketing strategy. As the Senior Content Marketing Editor, they needed to address audience engagement and reporting hurdles. This is the story of SSR, a testament to how a strategic partnership with Mayple enhanced their email marketing approach and boosted their KPIs.

Film Independent

Film Independent, a nonprofit arts organization serving filmmakers, sought to grow its audience and automate data processes. The Marketing and Communications team looked to Mayple for assistance.