Increasing website conversion rate by 100% Cracking the audience strongest interests building a different strategy to better ROI and driving the website to profitability


The Challenge

Penetrating with a new brand to the US market with a unique offering of prayer request and holy candle lighting on The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. and do it with a shopify Ecommerce website

The Process

Understanding the market and Audience tone of voice and interests and transform it into Facebook AND Google and email marketing campaign

The Solution

Increasing website conversion rate by 100% Cracking the audience strongest interests building a different strategy to better ROI and driving the website to profitability

Skills Used

Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Content Marketing,Copywriting,Marketing Strategy,Web Development,CRO,Paid Ads


Art & Entertainment

Results by the numbers

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More Case Study




They built a new website but were never able to generate sales




The Challenge

Prior to working with Diogenes Solutions, the team at Gakken focused their efforts on Amazon Marketing with no Success usually just opting for automatic Amazon PPC campaigns that were costly and not profitable.

To position itself as a Top selling children’s book company, Gakken would have to prioritize targeted manual PPC campaigns. They would need to focus on ASIN targeting competitor products. Book targeting needs to be conservative in bidding and hyper targeted.

The Gakken team sought me out as the right person to take on the challenge.

The goal was to refine Gakkens PPC targeting with manual Selection, identify high-impact keywords, Categories and Products as well as display ads to fill topic gaps throughout the funnel, and ultimately, grow traffic and conversions.


HealthyUp's founder had spent a couple of years testing consumer response to the product she had developed for menopause relief by selling primarily on Amazon. Having gathered positive feedback from a few dozen customers, she wanted to launch her own e-commerce business but was a sole proprietor with limited direct-to-consumer experience. She called on me to help her put all the foundational elements in place to position the company for growth.

General Assembly

One of top market leaders in tech education space. Very strong and well-respected offline presence but was struggling to build online presence through organic search.

American Printing House for the Blind

The American Printing House for the Blind faced challenges with Mailchimp set up using audiences instead of groups. The Marketing/Communications department sought Mayple's expertise.

Aviators Market

Aviators Market is a unique platform, allowing individuals to list anything related to the aviation industry for sale. As one of the founder partners, J. Loparo plays a pivotal role in the platform's success.

Safar Publications

Safar Publications, an online learning platform, enlisted Mayple's help in optimizing their journeys initiative.

Omnium Circus

Omnium Circus, a nonprofit circus celebrating inclusivity and diversity, faced a rapid decline in open rates. The Founder/Executive Director sought responsiveness and platform knowledge.