Registration for the first conference was over 200 people from 40 different countries and 20 different medical specialties. Other events covering this niche topic were typically under 100 participants.


The Challenge

The International Conference on Fatty Liver focused on the clinical needs and best practices for diagnosing and treating Fatty Liver. Raised awareness across all medical specialties to help guide and treat patients.

Build a brand and develop a conference that deals with a niche topic within hepatology that has not yet completed the clinical trials for the medicine needed to help patients. Compete against other conference dealing with the topic connected to large associations.

The Process

I was the marketing manager for the conference in 2017 and 2019.

I developed the brand via extensive meetings with the leading medical professional in industry that would lead the conference. We identified what the key elements that were missing in the existing events and what was needed to tackle this issue on a global spectrum.

From there I developed the marketing strategy, websites, promotional materials including videos, email marketing campaign, social media, and partners that could support the conference.

The Solution

Registration for the first conference was over 200 people from 40 different countries and 20 different medical specialties. Other events covering this niche topic were typically under 100 participants.

Skills Used

Branding,Marketing Strategy,Email Marketing,Branding,Social Media Management,Marketing Strategy,Branding,Web Development,Web Development,Paid Ads,Copywriting



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More Case Study




Startup who struggled to have users register for a membership tot he platform.


Rugs Done Right

Rugs Done Right needed help with both their SEO & web development




The Challenge

Prior to working with Diogenes Solutions, the team at Gakken focused their efforts on Amazon Marketing with no Success usually just opting for automatic Amazon PPC campaigns that were costly and not profitable.

To position itself as a Top selling children’s book company, Gakken would have to prioritize targeted manual PPC campaigns. They would need to focus on ASIN targeting competitor products. Book targeting needs to be conservative in bidding and hyper targeted.

The Gakken team sought me out as the right person to take on the challenge.

The goal was to refine Gakkens PPC targeting with manual Selection, identify high-impact keywords, Categories and Products as well as display ads to fill topic gaps throughout the funnel, and ultimately, grow traffic and conversions.




Although we had good results - we tried find ways to get it improve.

Wise Lines

Wise Line Tools, a power tool retailer, faced challenges with web sales and marketing. The responsible individual sought Mayple's assistance.

American Printing House for the Blind

The American Printing House for the Blind faced challenges with Mailchimp set up using audiences instead of groups. The Marketing/Communications department sought Mayple's expertise.

Film Independent

Film Independent, a nonprofit arts organization serving filmmakers, sought to grow its audience and automate data processes. The Marketing and Communications team looked to Mayple for assistance.

Safar Publications

Safar Publications, an online learning platform, enlisted Mayple's help in optimizing their journeys initiative.