The Challenge

The Process

The Solution

Skills Used

Web Development,Paid Ads


Home & Garden

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Please read the Process overview first.

Olivela went against the expert opinions of not only myself, but our paid social lead and their Facebook rep. They wanted to set up their ad sets in a very niche way by targeting each celebrity and their charity. For example, one ad set for Jennifer Anniston and one ad set for St. Jude. Not only did I struggle with targeting challenges, but creative issues as well. The celebrities and charity's representation were later seeing the creative live on their feeds and telling Olivela they were not approved, so I had to pause ads and/or launch new ones. The algorithm was consistently being reset almost on a daily basis due to unforeseen circumstances on Olivela's side.

Capital One

It was an eight-week engagement to conduct an SEO audit for a section of the client's site. I managed an offshore resource supporting the engagement and used an in-house design specialist to product the final report deliverable for the client. I conducted a range of interviews with the major members of the marketing team to understand internal processes, workflows, marketing persona development and marketing research.

Budget Net

BudgetNet had established themselves as a highly respected provider of NDIS plan management services over their short history. 

Their growth had been on the back of word of mouth, referrals and paid search.

With more and more competition entering the market, however, they had noticed their cost per click and return on investment on paid search campaigns get slowly chipped away. 

They knew that longer term, they needed an SEO strategy in place to protect their online presence in the market.



Villa Homes

Increased leads for ADU company in California, specifically in the Bay Area where mentions of increase of property value and passive income from rent gets negative comments.

Northeastern University

The Northeastern University Off-Campus Engagement and Support office plays a vital role in assisting NU students during the apartment search process, providing valuable insights into renter's rights, and offering support through available resources. Their communication channels, including newsletters, emails, and social media, are key to connecting with students effectively.

Omnium Circus

Omnium Circus, a nonprofit circus celebrating inclusivity and diversity, faced a rapid decline in open rates. The Founder/Executive Director sought responsiveness and platform knowledge.

Lake Art Glass

Lake Superior Art Glass, an art gallery and teaching studio, faced challenges in managing audience segments and implementing best practices. The Marketing Coordinator sought Mayple's guidance.

Oakland Museum of California

Unlock your museum's marketing potential with Mayple! Join the Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) on a transformative expedition toward enriched engagement, enhanced metrics, and sustained growth. Mayple's expert approach has reshaped OMCA's email marketing strategy, propelling them to new heights.