
The Challenge

The Process

The Solution

Skills Used

Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Google Shopping,Paid Ads


Style & Fashion

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Mejores Reglas OSC

Get people to sign a form so that the Argentinian goverment reduces the taxes to Non profit organisations



The Coaches Site

  • Drive awareness and traffic to content/website
  • Increase membership subscriptions
  • Reduce membership churn



Factor Meals

Factor was looking to efficiently scale and continue aggressive growth in order to be acquired.


Funded startup app in the weight loss space. Overwhelmingly negative online reputation for key brand terms. Experiencing trouble driving and sustaining any meaningful amount of qualified non-brand traffic through SEO.


Idahoan, dedicated to bringing quality potato products, faced challenges related to bandwidth and growing subscribers. The Head of Marketing sought Mayple's guidance.


In the world of travel, YOLLO Group Services, Inc. stands as a leading travel agency, specializing in all-inclusive packages for events such as Essence Festival, Urban Fiesta, and NBA All-Star. These packages not only provide access to the hottest events but also offer excursions, party passes, drink specials, and an abundance of fun. As a Manager at YOLLO Group Services, the challenges of email marketing were a roadblock to unlocking their marketing potential. This case study delves into YOLLO Group Services' partnership with Mayple and the transformation that ensued.

Lake Art Glass

Lake Superior Art Glass, an art gallery and teaching studio, faced challenges in managing audience segments and implementing best practices. The Marketing Coordinator sought Mayple's guidance.

American Printing House for the Blind

The American Printing House for the Blind faced challenges with Mailchimp set up using audiences instead of groups. The Marketing/Communications department sought Mayple's expertise.