The Challenge

We did a brief campaign on how to save energy in California.

The Process

The Solution

Skills Used

Marketing Strategy


Home & Garden

Results by the numbers

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More Case Study


We had to find a way to improve our CPA. Most of te traffic was coming from YouTube, which is not an easy channel to work with.




Sparrow is a science-based subscription service that condenses the latest science insights in a digestible and easy-to-understand manner.

At the time Sparrow was an early stage business that was searching for the right product and business model for Product Market Fit. We had to come up with a way to grow the company.

Pew Pew Tactical

When Pew Pew Tactical first came to us in December 2017, they had done 600,000 organic visitors the month previous, worth an estimated $160,000. They knew this was their most important acquisition channel, but wanted to pour some gas on the fire.



Happy Way

Help the brand to navigate digital marketing and maximise their ROI from paid advertising.

Feltman Brothers

In the realm of timeless baby clothing, Feltman Brothers, with a rich history spanning a century, faced challenges in navigating the nuances of modern marketing, particularly in email campaigns. This case study delves into how Feltman Brothers overcame their marketing hurdles through a transformative partnership with Mayple.

Omnium Circus

Omnium Circus, a nonprofit circus celebrating inclusivity and diversity, faced a rapid decline in open rates. The Founder/Executive Director sought responsiveness and platform knowledge.

Safar Publications

Safar Publications, an online learning platform, enlisted Mayple's help in optimizing their journeys initiative.


Mondiale, specifically TPI, is a dynamic publication house focusing on three magazines dedicated to the live events industry. As the Events Manager and Marketing professional, A. Clarke plays a crucial role in organizing social networks, managing content, implementing email marketing strategies, and running paid ads.