SimpleTax grew in users both business wide, and through paid search every year I managed it. We were able to hit the target CPA's the business wanted and competed aggressively in the search results with the top competitors.

The Challenge

The Canadian tax industry is very competitive. TurboTax and H&R Block are the giants in the space. SimpleTax came along with any innovatively easy product and fun product that challenged the status quo. The brought fun to a stale space. My job was to efficiently bring in new customers to through primarily paid search, and assisted with paid social activities. It was very important the message was 'on brand' which had a more 'fun' approach than the competitors. We also had tight CPA requirements as the payment model was a 'pay what you want' or donation model.

The Process

I implemented Google and Bing campaigns that delivered tax account registrations at the goal target CPA. We implemented many messaging and landing page tests to optimize CTR and Conversion Rates. I also assisted with a lot of the pixel setup to improve the data stream to make additional optimizations based off of location, user type, completion status, revenue, etc.

The Solution

SimpleTax grew in users both business wide, and through paid search every year I managed it. We were able to hit the target CPA's the business wanted and competed aggressively in the search results with the top competitors.

Skills Used

Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,CRO,Web Development



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  • Often sold out of in-demand product categories, making it hard to scale top-performing ads
  • Didn't have a consistent stream of new content
  • Always had an abundance of low-converting product categories that they wanted to push


  • Immediately created evergreen ad content that converted well and was scalable since it wasn't tied to a specific product
  • Worked with the client on an influencer outreach plan to build up their asset library—used this content to create eye-catching videos that focused on the styling of the products, while also highlighting Goodfair's mission
  • Pitched the client on product-specific influencer outreach initiatives to get more creative (and hopefully higher converting) content featuring the products that were a tougher sell

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Film Independent, a nonprofit arts organization serving filmmakers, sought to grow its audience and automate data processes. The Marketing and Communications team looked to Mayple for assistance.