The Challenge

The Process

The Solution

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Paid Ads,Paid Ads


Health & Wellness

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Blue Coffee Box



One Dine

The client has a SAAS company, the software is for ordering food without installing an app, it's all web based. The challenge was coming up with a paid media strategy that will ultimately get restaurant owners to schedule a demo to the software. It was a new software and they weren't sure if it will perform well in the market during COVID.




Started the campaign for B2B credit card offer from scratch with no Facebook pixel data as the ad account was completely brand new. We were targeting Mexico and Canada when we started.



Crimson Wine Group

Crimson Wine Group was a brand that had zero foundation for digital marketing campaigns. There wasn't any historical data to go off of, requiring the marketing strategy to build from the ground up.

Magnetic Press LLC

In the realm of publishing, Magnetic Press LLC stands as an industry leader, specializing in games and art books. The challenges of enhancing email marketing strategies, particularly for a small business, are not uncommon. This case study illuminates how Magnetic Press LLC overcame these challenges through their partnership with Mayple, setting their business on a trajectory of improved engagement and growth.

Top Rank Soccer Academy

Top Rank Soccer Academy, led by the dynamic Senior Coach and Marketing Director, caters to young soccer enthusiasts aged 3-17. Offering classes, private lessons, teams, and summer camps, the academy needed to optimize its email marketing approach.

Feltman Brothers

In the realm of timeless baby clothing, Feltman Brothers, with a rich history spanning a century, faced challenges in navigating the nuances of modern marketing, particularly in email campaigns. This case study delves into how Feltman Brothers overcame their marketing hurdles through a transformative partnership with Mayple.

My Construction Payroll

In the competitive realm of construction payroll services, myconstructionpayroll (MC) found itself facing challenges in maximizing its marketing potential. Struggling with ineffective email marketing strategies and underutilized tools, the company sought a solution to elevate its engagement, metrics, and overall growth.