The plan resulted in a 277.6% increase in Bookings from the first month of opening and a 200.4% increase in Revenue.


The Challenge

The Lake House is a new property and came to my team to generate awareness around their launch and also to drive bookings once their doors opened.

The Process

As the paid media specialist on the account, I crafted a 3 phased plan to accommodate the opening of the hotel.

The Solution

The plan resulted in a 277.6% increase in Bookings from the first month of opening and a 200.4% increase in Revenue.

Skills Used

Paid Ads,Paid Ads


Travel & Leisure

Results by the numbers

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The client contacted us with a problem that he does not see results from paying to the digital agency their monthly fee. It seems that something is working, but how much it helps to increase sales they did not know ...

In fact, this is a very typical situation.

The client needed a comprehensive promotion in Google ads, Facebook, as well as SEO. Our main task was to increase online sales.

For a better understanding of their online sales funnel first of all we worked hard to integrate all systems with the Google Data Studio service and we build a KPI dashboard.

In order we and the client can see what they pay money for and that every shekel spent, positively affects sales Due to which the client clearly sees how much money was spent on digital advertising, as well as the amount of profit,% and traffic breakdown by various sources.

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