I played a major role in helping 6x monthly revenues in less than 6 months. During that time I also increased attributed revenue from email from less than 10% to 25 to 40% on a monthly basis.

The Challenge

Vitamin Energy had no email program. They had built a new website and was planning on a new acquisition campaign but had no campaigns or email flows to help nuture the prospects into paying customers and long term customers.

The Process

I helped prioritize the flows to be created. Developed a campaign calendar and fully managed the entire email program. I built out the flows for welcome emails, abandon cart, post purchase, cross sells, etc.

The Solution

I played a major role in helping 6x monthly revenues in less than 6 months. During that time I also increased attributed revenue from email from less than 10% to 25 to 40% on a monthly basis.

Skills Used

Email Marketing


Health & Wellness

Results by the numbers

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It's a house hold name in a very competitive market, the client was trying to lift the perceived value of it's products in the eyes of the customers.




Mindvalley is extremely strong in video, but they were lacking in the static and motion design department.

Drive subscriptions to masterclass and downloads on the Mindvalley app through static ads and motion design ads.




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