I helped scale this client from ~700k a month in revenue across all channels to hitting their goal of $1m a month in just 3 months. They wanted to optimize for revenue while achieving a good ROAS which was anywhere between 12-18x in the Google ads account and 29x on facebook. The PPC efforts currently make up anywhere from 40-50% of revenue for the business.

Monthly Revenue

The Challenge

Zest Dental is one of the largest dental implant manufacturers in the U.S. Their primary audiences are Dentists at offices across the country who perform surgery with dental implants. Some challenges I faced were

  • The client is a leader in the space which makes new customer acquisition strategies/expansion more difficult 
  • They had no great offers to use in their campaigns 
  • Sophisticated B2B audience
  • Brand loyalty to competitors in the market

The strategy

I began by leveraging the client’s existing data and Google’s machine learning algorithm to ensure that we’re targeting users most likely to convert. The goal was to feed the algorithm with the best data possible so we could go after new customers searching for non-branded terms.

After sufficiently utilizing campaign structures to segment the customer journey map in Google Ads, I began a substantial increase in ad spend to scale this account while maintaining an optimal ROAS.

Once we established a great search ads structure, we began to move higher in the funnel utilizing Google display, discovery and video campaigns for new customer acquisition.

The Process

My main role was to Manage their 120k/month budget across Google and Facebook. I continuously updated offers and also promoted their education program.

The Solution

I helped scale this client from ~700k a month in revenue across all channels to hitting their goal of $1m a month in just 3 months. They wanted to optimize for revenue while achieving a good ROAS which was anywhere between 12-18x in the Google ads account and 29x on facebook. The PPC efforts currently make up anywhere from 40-50% of revenue for the business.

Skills Used

Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Google Shopping,Paid Ads,Marketing Strategy


Health & Wellness

Results by the numbers

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Workspace Art

  • Drive B2B orders



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Heniff Transportation

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  • Shortage of qualified truck drivers
  • Noncompetitive offer in the job marketplace 
  • Unique customer persona with a specific skill set

Magnetic Press LLC

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Ready to revolutionize your marketing approach? Partner with Mayple and embark on a transformative journey toward enhanced engagement, improved metrics, and sustained growth. Contact us today to explore tailored strategies that will redefine your marketing trajectory.

U.S. National Whitewater Center

Tucked away in the heart of North Carolina, the U.S. National Whitewater Center, a nonprofit organization, thrives on an unwavering commitment to fostering outdoor access for all. Their mission is as grand as it is noble: to build resilient communities through the promotion of healthy and active lifestyles, environmental stewardship, and the celebration of family and civic togetherness. The Whitewater Center understands that we all share a common genetic code compelling us to explore the great outdoors and share these experiences with others. Their approach is simple yet profound: make connecting with nature compelling and accessible, and extend an open invitation to all. This is the story of how Mayple helped revolutionize their approach to email marketing, turning it into a catalyst for more profound connections with their audience.