The general ROU was increased by 35% on the digital division, a significant increase in CTR (upon each DSP benchmark), and CR was 10% higher than the average of last digital campaigns.


The Challenge

The Brand was a step before a major decrease in digital performance media budget, The general ROI in the digital division was not enough.

The Process

Analyze the customer "persona", build personalized ads & content for each specific target audience, test and learn which content doing the best, and move forward learning more on our customers and give them more value on the bottom line.

The Solution

The general ROU was increased by 35% on the digital division, a significant increase in CTR (upon each DSP benchmark), and CR was 10% higher than the average of last digital campaigns.

Skills Used

Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads



Results by the numbers

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Ready to revolutionize your marketing approach? Partner with Mayple and embark on a transformative journey toward enhanced engagement, improved metrics, and sustained growth. Contact us today to explore tailored strategies that will redefine your marketing trajectory.