
The Challenge

The Process

The Solution

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Paid Ads,Paid Ads


Style & Fashion

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The client launched his brand on Amazon, and it became a best seller with over 1,000+ reviews. He was running Amazon PPC Ads himself, but it became a hassle and a worry to check in on it every day with his busy life.

Also, he wasn’t sure if he was doing everything that needed to be done. He was afraid that by doing it himself he could be wasting $1,000’s per month in adspend. So he decided to outsource to an expert.


Implement a new CRM system to create an omni-channel platform to talk to prospects and customers with a single voice.



Stock Fragrance

Stock Fragrance sell professional fragrance oils to DIY candle makers or soap makers etc. This audience are a very engaged audience specifically on Facebook and Pinterest, so finding the audience was easy but convincing them to spend top dollar on the best quality fragrance oils, in bulk was harder. We spent alot of time on education, building brand awareness and website traffic, we then followed up with a lead gen campaign with a lead magnet that offered free smelling samples and this made all the difference. We had an audience that was primed to convert and offering a lead that was useful to them and convinced them to buy was a win for everyone.



Peace of God

The main challenge was the limited target audience (by client request). - very small potential reach

At the same time, we had to crack the method by how could we give the experience online to feel like you are visiting the physical store which you must have for religious vertical!

Feltman Brothers

In the realm of timeless baby clothing, Feltman Brothers, with a rich history spanning a century, faced challenges in navigating the nuances of modern marketing, particularly in email campaigns. This case study delves into how Feltman Brothers overcame their marketing hurdles through a transformative partnership with Mayple.

Any Place

In the bustling world of remote work and corporate travel, Anyplace, a provider of flexible-term furnished apartment rentals, seeks to stand out. Their mission is clear: provide quality accommodations equipped with reliable, gigabit-speed internet for remote workers, corporate travelers, and creatives. Email marketing plays a crucial role in building trust and credibility with their audience, helping them convert subscribers into loyal customers.


Mondiale, specifically TPI, is a dynamic publication house focusing on three magazines dedicated to the live events industry. As the Events Manager and Marketing professional, A. Clarke plays a crucial role in organizing social networks, managing content, implementing email marketing strategies, and running paid ads.


V2 Hospitality, a Marketing Consultancy, sought Mayple's expertise to address time constraints and allocate efforts efficiently. As the founder overseeing marketing responsibilities, the challenge lay in optimizing strategies for maximum impact within the limited time available.