Briefing was clear: maintaining the CPCs at a certain level without impacting the CTR.

Goal was reached all along the process.

Reporting was made every month.


The Challenge

ClubMed is well know luxury Travel Agency with its owns resorts.

I've been managing their Google Ads Account for Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg for about 10 month while I was working as a PPC Expert at iProspect (part of Dentsu Aegis Media Group), Digital Agency.

The challenge was to keep CPC low while maintaining booking in their resorts around the world.

The Process

I was a PPC specialist managing their Google Ad campaigns (Search and Display campaigns) and was in charge to implement their strategy and maintaining their KPIs as forecast.

The Solution

Briefing was clear: maintaining the CPCs at a certain level without impacting the CTR.

Goal was reached all along the process.

Reporting was made every month.

Skills Used

Paid Ads


Travel & Leisure

Results by the numbers

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website’s conversion rate

Reuters News Agency

As one of the world's leading news agencies, Reuters goes "back to the start, where there’s no bias and no agenda to tell the real story," thereby providing a critical service all Reuters employees deeply believed in. Yet as a small business unit in shrinking industry (Publishing) within a large company (Thomson Reuters), the news agency was severely limited in both staff and budget.

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Vant Panels

  1. Ensuring ad spend is used efficiently.
  2. Verifying that tracking is done properly, given that Vant Panels sells free samples, tracking those are super important.
  3. Growing revenue. We've seen too often where flourishing brands find it tough to break through new self imposed ceilings in their ad accounts.



kari gran

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