"Angel has been such a big help with our latest September virtual summit! It feels so good to be able to lean on her for specific email marketing tasks in order to avoid burnout for myself. The event Angel and I produced ended up exceeding our company-wide goal of $18K MRR. We came in at 197 new customers from the online summit which put us at $19,453 in new MRR! Thank you Angel for all your help and expertise!" - Alexis Teichmiller, affiliate manager at Circle


The Challenge

I worked with Circle specifically on affiliate partnership projects, email marketing campaigns, and online event management. As worthwhile as the experience was to assist Circle with these tasks, I still (like many) faced a few challenges.

One of those unique challenges was ongoing communication and consistent alignment when it came to back-to-back online events that took place throughout the Fall 2022 season. This caused a level of organization and attention to detail needed to sustain the work to make multiple online events successfully happen simultaneously. Because of that challenge, I learned to leverage putting structure and automated systems into place in order to carry out each task to ensure a smooth client and event attendee experience.

The Process

My role was titled partnership management assistant. I assisted the client with affiliate projects, email marketing campaigns and copywriting, and producing online educational events and virtual summits.

The Solution

"Angel has been such a big help with our latest September virtual summit! It feels so good to be able to lean on her for specific email marketing tasks in order to avoid burnout for myself. The event Angel and I produced ended up exceeding our company-wide goal of $18K MRR. We came in at 197 new customers from the online summit which put us at $19,453 in new MRR! Thank you Angel for all your help and expertise!" - Alexis Teichmiller, affiliate manager at Circle

Skills Used

Email Marketing,Content Marketing,Copywriting,Other


Art & Entertainment

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Harrison Fitness

They wanted to increase their online sales


  • Increase conversions from free users to paid users


The major issue this client had was finding someone reliable to strategize and implement email marketing campaigns to their existing list. They have tried several agencies and freelancers, but the quality of work and results were not there.

  • No Campaign Strategy: There was no developed campaign strategy.
  • Poorly Designed Emails: Previous campaigns were poorly designed.
  • Excluding Certain Products: Certain products had to be excluded from all promotions.


Funded startup app in the weight loss space. Overwhelmingly negative online reputation for key brand terms. Experiencing trouble driving and sustaining any meaningful amount of qualified non-brand traffic through SEO.

Oakland Museum of California

Unlock your museum's marketing potential with Mayple! Join the Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) on a transformative expedition toward enriched engagement, enhanced metrics, and sustained growth. Mayple's expert approach has reshaped OMCA's email marketing strategy, propelling them to new heights.

Blue Coffee Box

Blue Coffee Box, a subscription box coffee service, faced challenges in cleaning up dead emails, setting up journeys, and selecting relevant customers. The full admin behind the scenes sought Mayple's assistance.

Northeastern University

The Northeastern University Off-Campus Engagement and Support office plays a vital role in assisting NU students during the apartment search process, providing valuable insights into renter's rights, and offering support through available resources. Their communication channels, including newsletters, emails, and social media, are key to connecting with students effectively.

The Idea Village

In the dynamic world of startups and business scaling, effective marketing is paramount. The Idea Village, an organization dedicated to helping startup founders scale their businesses through a range of innovative programs, recognized the need to enhance their email marketing strategies. This case study delves into their journey of transformation with Mayple.