The Challenge

The Process

The Solution

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Paid Ads


Health & Wellness

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More Case Study



Pure Greens

For this project I had to help to work with the content marketing team to come up with an offer to advertise on social and acquire an email list.

They created a free guide related to the product we were selling and I helped with creating a advertising strategy, creating the landing page, and integrating it with our email marketing software.

The challenge was that we never promoted an offer and we had zero data or emails to leverage.

Kristi Hyson

Kristi Hyson's #1 goal was to increase the quality of her leads. In a highly competitive real estate marketing, Kristi Hyson knew that their current service provider was not providing the quality of leads she knew could be attained from Google Ads. She wanted to see a more engaged user by way of a higher click-through rate (CTR), a decrease in her CPC (cost-per-click) and an increase in conversions along with the conversion rate.




Build an ads strategy to get more leads.




High volume long tail keyword project with very unstructured website structure and difficulties in crawling, getting the pages ranked and winning customers for their local business directory.

Any Place

In the bustling world of remote work and corporate travel, Anyplace, a provider of flexible-term furnished apartment rentals, seeks to stand out. Their mission is clear: provide quality accommodations equipped with reliable, gigabit-speed internet for remote workers, corporate travelers, and creatives. Email marketing plays a crucial role in building trust and credibility with their audience, helping them convert subscribers into loyal customers.


Idahoan, dedicated to bringing quality potato products, faced challenges related to bandwidth and growing subscribers. The Head of Marketing sought Mayple's guidance.

Aviators Market

Aviators Market is a unique platform, allowing individuals to list anything related to the aviation industry for sale. As one of the founder partners, J. Loparo plays a pivotal role in the platform's success.


Mondiale, specifically TPI, is a dynamic publication house focusing on three magazines dedicated to the live events industry. As the Events Manager and Marketing professional, A. Clarke plays a crucial role in organizing social networks, managing content, implementing email marketing strategies, and running paid ads.