The Challenge

The Process

The Solution

Skills Used

Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads


Health & Wellness

Results by the numbers

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More Case Study




Took over the brand from an ad agency, the goal is to spend the budget per month (if not more) while keeping an overall ROAS above a 2x.

Aviators Market



La Natural

E-commerce design and development

Social Media content

Social Media Management

Social Media ads

E-mail marketing

Ingalls Information Security

Develop website and implement tracking to measure performance

Film Independent

Film Independent, a nonprofit arts organization serving filmmakers, sought to grow its audience and automate data processes. The Marketing and Communications team looked to Mayple for assistance.


Mondiale, specifically TPI, is a dynamic publication house focusing on three magazines dedicated to the live events industry. As the Events Manager and Marketing professional, A. Clarke plays a crucial role in organizing social networks, managing content, implementing email marketing strategies, and running paid ads.

Top Rank Soccer Academy

Top Rank Soccer Academy, led by the dynamic Senior Coach and Marketing Director, caters to young soccer enthusiasts aged 3-17. Offering classes, private lessons, teams, and summer camps, the academy needed to optimize its email marketing approach.

Safar Publications

Safar Publications, an online learning platform, enlisted Mayple's help in optimizing their journeys initiative.