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The client wanted to generate new leads



Onest Health

Increase Shopify store revenue for a fitness supplement brand.


  • Managed paid search accounts and SEO for WA’s largest online training provider. 


Celebrante is an Australian celebrant directory which makes money from celebrants when users make an enquiry with them through the Celebrante website.

The business model is simple, generate enquiries through the website at less than it costs in marketing to generate the enquiry.

The previous owner was forced to sell the website after rising Google AdWords costs had made the website no longer profitable.

Lance Tapsell, a long-time celebrant and customer of the site decided to purchase it and try to get it profitable again.

By engaging Pathfinder, the business was able to dramatically reduce its cost per lead and ensure profitability for the business and its future.

The Idea Village

In the dynamic world of startups and business scaling, effective marketing is paramount. The Idea Village, an organization dedicated to helping startup founders scale their businesses through a range of innovative programs, recognized the need to enhance their email marketing strategies. This case study delves into their journey of transformation with Mayple.

Top Rank Soccer Academy

Top Rank Soccer Academy, led by the dynamic Senior Coach and Marketing Director, caters to young soccer enthusiasts aged 3-17. Offering classes, private lessons, teams, and summer camps, the academy needed to optimize its email marketing approach.

The Redux Group

The Redux Group, a real estate group in the DC area, faced challenges in consolidating audiences for improved tagging and segmentation. The Marketing Specialist overseeing events and email marketing sought assistance.

Crafting Jeannie

In this enlightening case study, we embark on a journey with Crafting Jeannie, a dynamic provider of printable products tailored to early education. Crafting Jeannie sought to revolutionize their email marketing strategy through a strategic partnership with Mayple, a pioneering marketing management platform. By leveraging Mayple's expertise, Crafting Jeannie tackled critical challenges, rejuvenated their email marketing practices, and achieved impressive results. This case study highlights substantial improvements in KPIs, particularly in open rates and click rates.