Within 30 days of SEO enhancements and modifications based on my recommendations and roadmap we began to see notable gains in both organic keyword rankings within the search engines and organic traffic (visitors) to the site. After 60 days of continued SEO enhancements and modifications I increased keyword rank performance by 359 positions in Google and 347 positions in Bing for 50 optimized keywords.

Additionally, since I began working with this client:

-         Organic Search bounce rate has decreased by 5%

-         Organic Search Pageviews Per Session has increased by 44%

-         Organic Search Average Session Duration has increased by 105%

-         Organic Search Conversion Rate has increased by 158%

Conversion Rate

The Challenge

Gemstone Therapy Institute is a provider of medical-grade therapy tools and alternative healing certifications to individuals and practitioners. After a recent re-branding and domain change, Gemstone Therapy Institute was having difficulty ranking in the search engines for their core high-value keywords as well as producing qualified organic traffic. Gemstone Therapy Institute required my services as an SEO expert to analyze their organic position, create a SEO action plan/roadmap and execute on the SEO plan to increase organic performance.

The Process

How I addressed the challenge:

-         Audit website for technical issues

-         Analyze online competitors SEO

-         Provide in-depth keyword research and discovery

-         Identify opportunities in website and SEO

-         Identify proper KPI and SEO goals based on company overall goals

-         Deliver strategy/roadmap based on findings

-         Provide content creation and guidance

-         Lead all SEO activities and tasks based on roadmap

-         Provide ongoing analysis and reporting

The Solution

Within 30 days of SEO enhancements and modifications based on my recommendations and roadmap we began to see notable gains in both organic keyword rankings within the search engines and organic traffic (visitors) to the site. After 60 days of continued SEO enhancements and modifications I increased keyword rank performance by 359 positions in Google and 347 positions in Bing for 50 optimized keywords.

Additionally, since I began working with this client:

-         Organic Search bounce rate has decreased by 5%

-         Organic Search Pageviews Per Session has increased by 44%

-         Organic Search Average Session Duration has increased by 105%

-         Organic Search Conversion Rate has increased by 158%

Skills Used



Health & Wellness

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  2. Verifying that tracking is done properly, given that Vant Panels sells free samples, tracking those are super important.
  3. Growing revenue. We've seen too often where flourishing brands find it tough to break through new self imposed ceilings in their ad accounts.

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The Idea Village

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