• Level Up PDPs non-branded traffic grew +171% YoY
  • Career Changers PDPs non-branded traffic grew +48% YoY
  • Blog non-branded traffic grew 200% YoY
  • Crawl rate to CWEs increased by 65%

The Challenge

One of top market leaders in tech education space. Very strong and well-respected offline presence but was struggling to build online presence through organic search.

The Process

Existing PDP technical optimization

  • Keyword cannibalization between PDPs
  • Internal linking on main navigation and between PDPs
  • Canonical tags on hyperlocal PDPs

Existing PDP content optimization

  • Standardized target keyword modifiers for all middle and bottom of the funnel content
  • Provided content team with briefs for specific recommendations on how to approach page-level optimizations

IP Geolocation strategy

  • Removed GEO IP redirecting from CWEs to page cache differentiation method

Blog content optimization and content expansion

  • Optimized existing blog post for low hanging fruit keywords
  • Contributed to ideating blog content ideas with hub and spoke content model to target new topics like python, data science, digital marketing, etc.

Online/remote CWE/PDP optimization

  • Duplicate content through improper canonicalization
  • Internal linking between online PDPs and homepage
  • Errors with existing schema

The Solution

  • Level Up PDPs non-branded traffic grew +171% YoY
  • Career Changers PDPs non-branded traffic grew +48% YoY
  • Blog non-branded traffic grew 200% YoY
  • Crawl rate to CWEs increased by 65%
Skills Used




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Jason KB Animal Photography

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On One Studios

The Challenge of of Startup Growth

What’s good for the user is good for search. The biggest challenge of the SEO audit for On One Studios (and all companies) is maintaining a customer-focused approach when optimizing.

Every action in the audit must answer the question: how does this help the user on your website? Each tweak needed to embody the core drive of the company.

We came up with a human-centric SEO strategy to guide my approach. The web audit was designed to address three critical issues:

Understanding the company’s core value proposition and drive.

Great tactics mean nothing without a proper guiding strategy. Before I started any optimization, I spoke with management on what constituted the company’s core drives. By understanding their unique selling proposition, I could write copy that reflected their goals.

Addressing website architecture problems with user-centric best practices.

The website needed to make sense to customers. From URL structure to homepage navigation, I needed to make sure each click on the website made it easy to get to a sale.

Identify competitor SEO strategies to implement off-page SEO tactics.

A key pillar of getting a site to rank is the number of backlinks pointing to it. I needed to create a comprehensive, white hat backlink strategy to boost the site’s domain authority. By looking at who our competitors were linked (and linking to), I got a sense of the types of backlinks I was looking for.


Paytient needed several customer journeys written and produced in a short amount of time. There were over 150 emails that needed to be created, edited, built and tested in less than six months.



Daytona Homes

Daytona Homes' #1 goal was to grow its online leads. In a crowded and competitive market, they knew that digital advertising was needed in their marketing strategy and for the success of the business.

They didn't just want to work with a digital advertising agency, they wanted to work with a group of specialists to ensure the success of their campaigns.

Feltman Brothers

In the realm of timeless baby clothing, Feltman Brothers, with a rich history spanning a century, faced challenges in navigating the nuances of modern marketing, particularly in email campaigns. This case study delves into how Feltman Brothers overcame their marketing hurdles through a transformative partnership with Mayple.

Northeastern University

The Northeastern University Off-Campus Engagement and Support office plays a vital role in assisting NU students during the apartment search process, providing valuable insights into renter's rights, and offering support through available resources. Their communication channels, including newsletters, emails, and social media, are key to connecting with students effectively.

Roots Natural Kitchen

Roots Natural Kitchen, a fast-casual restaurant chain specializing in salad and grain bowls, faced email marketing challenges that hindered their growth and engagement. This case study delves into their collaboration with Mayple, leading to substantial enhancements in email design, audience segmentation, and overall email marketing strategy.

Aviators Market

Aviators Market is a unique platform, allowing individuals to list anything related to the aviation industry for sale. As one of the founder partners, J. Loparo plays a pivotal role in the platform's success.