The Challenge

The Process

The Solution

Skills Used

Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Google Shopping,Paid Ads


Health & Wellness

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More Case Study



Vant Panels

  1. Ensuring ad spend is used efficiently.
  2. Verifying that tracking is done properly, given that Vant Panels sells free samples, tracking those are super important.
  3. Growing revenue. We've seen too often where flourishing brands find it tough to break through new self imposed ceilings in their ad accounts.

Pet Living

Kristen Levine is a Pet Lifestyle Expert who specializes in giving excellent recommendation and advice to pet parents. She has 115k Facebook fans and 120k blog visitors a month, but she couldn't seem to figure out Instagram. She had 4k followers and could not seem to grow no matter what she tried.



Hobby One

Helping them to increase ROI from paid advertising.


Very competitive market. Since they were an innovative startup, finding relevant search terms for SEO with satisfied search volume was challenging.

Aviators Market

Aviators Market is a unique platform, allowing individuals to list anything related to the aviation industry for sale. As one of the founder partners, J. Loparo plays a pivotal role in the platform's success.


MelioGuide, a leading online provider of safe and effective osteoporosis exercise programs, encountered challenges stemming from the complexity of MailChimp. The Marketing team, responsible for all marketing and website operations, sought Mayple's expertise.

Spanish And Go

Ready to revolutionize your marketing approach? Partner with Mayple and embark on a transformative journey toward enhanced engagement, improved metrics, and sustained growth. Contact us today to explore tailored strategies that will redefine your marketing trajectory.

Blue Coffee Box

Blue Coffee Box, a subscription box coffee service, faced challenges in cleaning up dead emails, setting up journeys, and selecting relevant customers. The full admin behind the scenes sought Mayple's assistance.