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OptionsSwing is an investment education company teaching investors how to make money through stock options trading and other stock investments. I advise their Director of Marketing, Warwick Gorman, on social media strategies to increase brand awareness and member subscription rates.

Give A Home Foundation

Give a Home Foundation is a project very close to my heart. With the homelessness issue rapidly increasing in South Africa during the COVID pandemic, myself and my co-founders of the foundation wanted to make a difference. I developed a marketing strategy to help the foundation raise funds for this important cause. "Stay at home the world has been saying... but where do you go when you do not have a home."


Adobe had an opportunity to engage creative and marketing professionals on the LinkedIn social media platform to drive interest in its products. Adobe had an account on LinkedIn, but there was no established strategy or approach to grow the community or foster engagement. Adobe wanted to create and implement a LinkedIn strategy to connect with and engage its audience.


The wonderful folks at OnePitch wanted to harness the power of Long-Form Blog Content. They needed a punchy copywriter to help provide valuable, educational, engaging content.

The Mad Potter

Join us on a journey into the world of small business marketing, where a unique paint-your-own pottery studio, The Mad Potter, faced challenges with their email marketing strategy. As a one-person marketing team, their Marketing Manager embarked on a quest to enhance engagement, improve metrics, and sustain growth. Discover how partnering with Mayple transformed their email marketing approach, making it more personalized and effective, ultimately leading to increased open rates and confidence in their marketing efforts. This is the story of The Mad Potter, a testament to the power of strategic collaboration with Mayple.


In the world of travel, YOLLO Group Services, Inc. stands as a leading travel agency, specializing in all-inclusive packages for events such as Essence Festival, Urban Fiesta, and NBA All-Star. These packages not only provide access to the hottest events but also offer excursions, party passes, drink specials, and an abundance of fun. As a Manager at YOLLO Group Services, the challenges of email marketing were a roadblock to unlocking their marketing potential. This case study delves into YOLLO Group Services' partnership with Mayple and the transformation that ensued.

My Construction Payroll

In the competitive realm of construction payroll services, myconstructionpayroll (MC) found itself facing challenges in maximizing its marketing potential. Struggling with ineffective email marketing strategies and underutilized tools, the company sought a solution to elevate its engagement, metrics, and overall growth.

The Idea Village

In the dynamic world of startups and business scaling, effective marketing is paramount. The Idea Village, an organization dedicated to helping startup founders scale their businesses through a range of innovative programs, recognized the need to enhance their email marketing strategies. This case study delves into their journey of transformation with Mayple.