60% increase in social media followers

1,585% increase in social brand mentions

869% increase in social media engagement

25 influencers activated with 209% ROAS

The Challenge

Katz Gluten Free is a trusted brand that vastly over-delivers on taste versus other gluten-free baked good options. Their products are available in all 50 states, at large mass retailers like Walmart & Target, as well as specialty natural food stores, and online. They were in need of a full social media makeover.

The Process

I helped them develop high-quality social media content and activate gluten-free/celiac influencers to expand their reach and brand awareness in this niche market.

The Solution

60% increase in social media followers

1,585% increase in social brand mentions

869% increase in social media engagement

25 influencers activated with 209% ROAS

Skills Used

Marketing Strategy,Social Media Management,Content Marketing


Food & Drink

Results by the numbers

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Civil Standard

Client hired me after they had taken a break from Facebook ads so the ads and all were started from scratch. Fortunately we had a lot of data to work to quickly jump in and get sales. Goal was a 2 ROAS.



Bullion Box Subscriptions

  • Mass Declines due to corona
  • Low Average Order Value
  • Conversion Rate was in the dumpster

Thryv Organics

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Clinique GO

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Magnetic Press LLC

In the realm of publishing, Magnetic Press LLC stands as an industry leader, specializing in games and art books. The challenges of enhancing email marketing strategies, particularly for a small business, are not uncommon. This case study illuminates how Magnetic Press LLC overcame these challenges through their partnership with Mayple, setting their business on a trajectory of improved engagement and growth.


V2 Hospitality, a Marketing Consultancy, sought Mayple's expertise to address time constraints and allocate efforts efficiently. As the founder overseeing marketing responsibilities, the challenge lay in optimizing strategies for maximum impact within the limited time available.


MelioGuide, a leading online provider of safe and effective osteoporosis exercise programs, encountered challenges stemming from the complexity of MailChimp. The Marketing team, responsible for all marketing and website operations, sought Mayple's expertise.

Northeastern University

The Northeastern University Off-Campus Engagement and Support office plays a vital role in assisting NU students during the apartment search process, providing valuable insights into renter's rights, and offering support through available resources. Their communication channels, including newsletters, emails, and social media, are key to connecting with students effectively.