The Challenge

The Process

The Solution

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Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Paid Ads


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More Case Study

OMI Jewelry

Prior to working with DIDO AGENCY, their profit margins were typically strong, but they weren't fully utilizing their network of previous buyers. OMI Jewelry discovered that in order to stay in touch with customers between transactions, it needed to improve its marketing efforts.



Lilyana Naturals

Lilyana Naturals is a massive brand on Amazon.

After being acquired by an investment firm, they needed to bring on talented paid media freelancers to maximize revenue for their new DTC Website.

I was brought on to increase the proportion of revenue to the overall business coming from their Shopify store, instead of Amazon.


Build DynStore online presence

Northeastern University

The Northeastern University Off-Campus Engagement and Support office plays a vital role in assisting NU students during the apartment search process, providing valuable insights into renter's rights, and offering support through available resources. Their communication channels, including newsletters, emails, and social media, are key to connecting with students effectively.

Feltman Brothers

In the realm of timeless baby clothing, Feltman Brothers, with a rich history spanning a century, faced challenges in navigating the nuances of modern marketing, particularly in email campaigns. This case study delves into how Feltman Brothers overcame their marketing hurdles through a transformative partnership with Mayple.

Safar Publications

Safar Publications, an online learning platform, enlisted Mayple's help in optimizing their journeys initiative.


Mondiale, specifically TPI, is a dynamic publication house focusing on three magazines dedicated to the live events industry. As the Events Manager and Marketing professional, A. Clarke plays a crucial role in organizing social networks, managing content, implementing email marketing strategies, and running paid ads.