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Mercedes Oakville

The client was looking for ways to increase awareness about the efficiency and benefit of owning a Mercedes, as well as why Mercedes owners should visit their dealership for maintenance services, rather than going to a local mechanic.



Peter Pauper Press

Peter Pauper Press wanted to establish their own ecommerce presence without damaging the Amazon revenue stream they had already developed for their catalog of books, journals and stationery gifts. Finding the right audience and differentiating the product offering for searchers truly interested in premium paper goods were challenges I needed to overcome in order to deliver profitable campaigns.



Shade Cloth Store

Combine two websites into one, and consolidate market leadership position with brand.




Reconfigure WooCommerce site for optimized Google Shopping advertising opportunities.

The Idea Village

In the dynamic world of startups and business scaling, effective marketing is paramount. The Idea Village, an organization dedicated to helping startup founders scale their businesses through a range of innovative programs, recognized the need to enhance their email marketing strategies. This case study delves into their journey of transformation with Mayple.

The Mad Potter

Join us on a journey into the world of small business marketing, where a unique paint-your-own pottery studio, The Mad Potter, faced challenges with their email marketing strategy. As a one-person marketing team, their Marketing Manager embarked on a quest to enhance engagement, improve metrics, and sustain growth. Discover how partnering with Mayple transformed their email marketing approach, making it more personalized and effective, ultimately leading to increased open rates and confidence in their marketing efforts. This is the story of The Mad Potter, a testament to the power of strategic collaboration with Mayple.

Lake Art Glass

Lake Superior Art Glass, an art gallery and teaching studio, faced challenges in managing audience segments and implementing best practices. The Marketing Coordinator sought Mayple's guidance.

Blue Coffee Box

Blue Coffee Box, a subscription box coffee service, faced challenges in cleaning up dead emails, setting up journeys, and selecting relevant customers. The full admin behind the scenes sought Mayple's assistance.