
503% Increase in Conversions


Increase in Conversion Rate


Return On Advertising Spend (ROAS)

The digital strategy lead to 8x more conversions for Sofrito Paella while delivering a 5x lower CPA in less than a year — all of which was done with no increase in ad spend.

In one month alone, the revenue generated from Google Ads more than covered the total Google Ads spend since we started working together.


The Challenge

Sofrito Paella wanted to shift the business to a more reliable source of income through a regular stream of catering jobs. They saw a gap in the paella catering market and believed that with a powerful online presence, they could quickly emerge as the leader in this space.

The Process

It was essential that the business needed to improve its branding/website and create a landing page specific to the service they wanted to push. After assisting with the overall design/layout of the landing page I had performed the following:

  • Focused on efforts on a targeted Google Ads campaign focused on keywords related to paella catering.
  • Ran campaigns, observed the data, and optimised our campaigns for performance.
  • Refine the campaigns down to the best-converting keywords.

The Solution


503% Increase in Conversions


Increase in Conversion Rate


Return On Advertising Spend (ROAS)

The digital strategy lead to 8x more conversions for Sofrito Paella while delivering a 5x lower CPA in less than a year — all of which was done with no increase in ad spend.

In one month alone, the revenue generated from Google Ads more than covered the total Google Ads spend since we started working together.

Skills Used

Paid Ads


Food & Drink

Results by the numbers

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