The social media following continues to grow on a weekly basis, email marketing sales increased by $5,000/month, and the monthly online revenue succeeded it's target of 10% growth year over year. Village Juicery now sees anywhere from 12% - 15% growth online and in-stores.


The Challenge

Village Juicery was known in the Toronto area, but they were struggling to grow and cultivate a community online that would increase sales as well as notify new users about promotions and store openings. They needed someone to own their social media and email marketing, community management and ads, so that they could continue to show up online in their brand tone and voice, and reach their goal of growing 10% year over year each month.

The Process

I first developed a strategic marketing plan that covered content creative direction, brand tone and voice, and overall goals for each channel. Then I reviewed their current marketing initiatives for ads and email marketing. Once complete I started implementing effective social media marketing strategies, recreated their ads, and changed up their email marketing to be more effective.

This process took some time, however, after the first initial month of the massive change over, we started to see success online, more support from the community and an increase in sales and repeat customers.

The Solution

The social media following continues to grow on a weekly basis, email marketing sales increased by $5,000/month, and the monthly online revenue succeeded it's target of 10% growth year over year. Village Juicery now sees anywhere from 12% - 15% growth online and in-stores.

Skills Used

Paid Ads,Paid Ads,Email Marketing,Social Media Management,Other,Paid Ads


Health & Wellness

Results by the numbers

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Challenge: The platform acquired 1M free users organically but very few converted to paid customers

Project scope: Convert free users to paid customers by leveraging email marketing, content marketing and influencer promotions

Results: converted 10% of free users into paid customers, both premium and enterprise



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Film Independent, a nonprofit arts organization serving filmmakers, sought to grow its audience and automate data processes. The Marketing and Communications team looked to Mayple for assistance.

Blue Coffee Box

Blue Coffee Box, a subscription box coffee service, faced challenges in cleaning up dead emails, setting up journeys, and selecting relevant customers. The full admin behind the scenes sought Mayple's assistance.

American Printing House for the Blind

The American Printing House for the Blind faced challenges with Mailchimp set up using audiences instead of groups. The Marketing/Communications department sought Mayple's expertise.

Select Software Reviews

:Unleash your marketing potential with Mayple and embark on a journey to amplify your business's reach and engagement. SSR, a leading authority in tech reviews for the HR, recruitment, and PeopleOps landscape, encountered unique challenges in their email marketing strategy. As the Senior Content Marketing Editor, they needed to address audience engagement and reporting hurdles. This is the story of SSR, a testament to how a strategic partnership with Mayple enhanced their email marketing approach and boosted their KPIs.