As a result, with responsive website build on all devices, proper SEO optimizations made continually, as well as investments in Google Advertising and paid social, we saw an immediate +40% increase in website page views, as well as +50% new users to the site month-over-month. We focused on a few key critical SEO areas for improvement including: updates to metadata descriptions, re-targeting original keywords and branded keyword tracking, as well as keyword ranking against top competitors. SEO optimizations also proved successfully in moving our Google rankings from page 3 to the top of page 1, with an ROAS over 600%.


The Challenge

Dessert Holdings was in need of a new website, a marketing plan, social media plan + SEO in Spring of 2019 that would effectively reach and connect with two sets of core consumers: their foodservice consumers (B2C) and their retail consumers (B2B). The opportunity presented with this unique challenge was the ability to create a beautiful, new customizable website that would not only communicate to all consumers, but also have the ability to increase brand equity, product sales and overall brand awareness.

The Process

To find the best website CMS platform to design & develop within, we chose Wordpress since it has a wide variety of themes and plug-ins that are aligned with today's market and that would be compatible with standard search engine optimizations and Google Advertising. We used a combination of SEO tools such as Hubspot, Moz & Brightedge to complete our search engine optimizations, along with a full SEO audit and daily + weekly SEO optimizations. We also improved their social media presence by running a variety of paid social ads for traffic and conversion campaigns.

The Solution

As a result, with responsive website build on all devices, proper SEO optimizations made continually, as well as investments in Google Advertising and paid social, we saw an immediate +40% increase in website page views, as well as +50% new users to the site month-over-month. We focused on a few key critical SEO areas for improvement including: updates to metadata descriptions, re-targeting original keywords and branded keyword tracking, as well as keyword ranking against top competitors. SEO optimizations also proved successfully in moving our Google rankings from page 3 to the top of page 1, with an ROAS over 600%.

Skills Used

SEO,Web Development,Web Development,Paid Ads,Social Media Management


Food & Drink

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