In just a few months, their email revenue has grown severalfold.

The Challenge

Electric Family enlisted DIDO AGENCY to create a more consistent, frequent, and aligned communication strategy and expand their branding to their consumers’ inboxes.

The Process

First, we scrubbed Electric Family email list, removing any non-active email addresses to optimize list quality. Then, we created seven foundational campaigns to peak the interest of consumers and keep them interested long term. Once we added campaigns aligning with national holidays and seasons to increase purchase opportunities.

The Solution

In just a few months, their email revenue has grown severalfold.

Skills Used

Email Marketing,Marketing Strategy,Copywriting,Branding


Style & Fashion

Results by the numbers

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Pagani Beverly Hills

As an exotic car brand from Italy that wasn't Ferrari or Lamborghini, there wasn't too much brand recognition here in the US for Pagani. Additionally, there wasn't any awareness for the new dealership that had only recently opened its doors. As such, the website wasn't gaining any traction before we took on the challenge.


Creative for new territories audience discovery



Walt Life

Walt Life is a fan-created Disney subscription box featuring officially licensed merchandise and items only found at the parks.


  • Current creative wasn’t scaling efficiently
  • Low engagement on ads
  • Remarketing was not converting even with discounts


  • I pitched the client on influencer whitelisted ads, which were an immediate success for us from both an engagement and conversion rate perspective.
  • Used our amazing influencer content to create high converting mash-up ads that created an emotional connection to the product

CareWise Solutions

Feltman Brothers

In the realm of timeless baby clothing, Feltman Brothers, with a rich history spanning a century, faced challenges in navigating the nuances of modern marketing, particularly in email campaigns. This case study delves into how Feltman Brothers overcame their marketing hurdles through a transformative partnership with Mayple.

Roots Natural Kitchen

Roots Natural Kitchen, a fast-casual restaurant chain specializing in salad and grain bowls, faced email marketing challenges that hindered their growth and engagement. This case study delves into their collaboration with Mayple, leading to substantial enhancements in email design, audience segmentation, and overall email marketing strategy.

Magnetic Press LLC

In the realm of publishing, Magnetic Press LLC stands as an industry leader, specializing in games and art books. The challenges of enhancing email marketing strategies, particularly for a small business, are not uncommon. This case study illuminates how Magnetic Press LLC overcame these challenges through their partnership with Mayple, setting their business on a trajectory of improved engagement and growth.


Gradelink offers schools a comprehensive and user-friendly software solution, streamlining administrative tasks, improving enrollment processes, and supporting the mission of educational institutions. Despite their innovative software, Gradelink faced challenges in effectively communicating their offerings through email marketing.