We provided targeted leads for each unique program and supported the funnel with strong automation and lead verification.


The Challenge

When you need to get to many different people with a unique proposition in many different languages in a short period, that's a great task!

We needed to be sure to target the right audience in their language to give them the most value and help with their needs.

The Process

We divide each new client’s work into three different channels. 

1. Building digital infrastructures. 

2. Strategy, campaign management and optimisations.

3. Analysis and operational insights.

Here we needed to divide our work to separate languages in different websites!

The Solution

We provided targeted leads for each unique program and supported the funnel with strong automation and lead verification.

Skills Used

Paid Ads,Paid Ads,CRO


Nonprofit & Government

Results by the numbers

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More Case Study

Selini New York

Prior to working with DIDO AGENCY, their profit margins were typically strong, but they weren't fully utilizing their network of previous buyers. Selini New York discovered that in order to stay in touch with customers between transactions, it needed to improve its marketing efforts.

Praesum Healthcare

This client had more than 20 facilities for treating addiction. They were spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on Google ads in order to drive phone calls, but they had no call tracking and hadn't done any conversion optimization. We created microsites in order to narrowly target their advertising both geographically, as well as by substance (eg alcohol, opiates, benzos, etc). We set up call tracking and started A/B testing. We had a multitude of wins, losses, and iterations to the websites based on our work. But I'm proud to have skyrocketed their revenue with 3 separate A/B tests that EACH increased the conversion rate on their primary goal of a phone call by more than 100% (99% statistically significant).




OnePacs is a B2B company that offers healthcare SaaS. Their technology is cloud-based and allows hospitals and clinics to operate virtually. The main goals of their campaign are to generate awareness and new leads.

Spanish And Go


Gradelink offers schools a comprehensive and user-friendly software solution, streamlining administrative tasks, improving enrollment processes, and supporting the mission of educational institutions. Despite their innovative software, Gradelink faced challenges in effectively communicating their offerings through email marketing.

Magnetic Press LLC

In the realm of publishing, Magnetic Press LLC stands as an industry leader, specializing in games and art books. The challenges of enhancing email marketing strategies, particularly for a small business, are not uncommon. This case study illuminates how Magnetic Press LLC overcame these challenges through their partnership with Mayple, setting their business on a trajectory of improved engagement and growth.

Select Software Reviews

:Unleash your marketing potential with Mayple and embark on a journey to amplify your business's reach and engagement. SSR, a leading authority in tech reviews for the HR, recruitment, and PeopleOps landscape, encountered unique challenges in their email marketing strategy. As the Senior Content Marketing Editor, they needed to address audience engagement and reporting hurdles. This is the story of SSR, a testament to how a strategic partnership with Mayple enhanced their email marketing approach and boosted their KPIs.


MelioGuide, a leading online provider of safe and effective osteoporosis exercise programs, encountered challenges stemming from the complexity of MailChimp. The Marketing team, responsible for all marketing and website operations, sought Mayple's expertise.